One of the major power consuming components in a computer is its display unit.\r\nOn average the screen consumes ten times more power than the DSP processor itself. Thus,\r\nreducing the power consumption should be one of the most important tasks in the\r\ndevelopment of low power consumption computing systems. In this paper we present one\r\npossible solution involving micro projection device based upon lasers and a digital light\r\nprocessing (DLP) matrix which is a matrix of electrically controllable mirrors capable of\r\ntranslating electrical signal to a time varying projected image. It can serve to substitute\r\na screen and consume ten times less power than a conventional screen. The described\r\ndevice is a multifunctional highly efficient customized DLP light engine being capable\r\nof serving as an image projector and simultaneously to support range and topography\r\nestimation measurements.